Annual Pet Blessing - 2024
On October 1, 2024, Trinity celebrated another pet blessing. We had 20 people, six dogs, and a couple of special stuffed animals. Treats for humans and pets alike were provided. Pastor Dan once again led us in a special pet blessing worship with songs and liturgy and after he went around blessing all of the pets present. It was a wonderful evening, though a bit windy, to share in this special worship and fellowship.
Quilters at Trinity
Did you know that there is a group of quilters that meets twice a month on Mondays in our Fellowship hall from 9-3? This group, led by Wendy Kleman has been meeting here since 2002. They come to work on their own projects but do many charity projects like making quilts for Veterans, Food pantry bags, quilts for children in need, and angel gowns for infants that have passed away. The group is open to anyone. If you would ever happen into the building on a Monday that they are there, you might smell the fresh bread being baked or a delish soup on the stove. The quilters do a group lunch every time they met. We welcome new participants.
Symbolic Seder Meal 2024
Every year, during Holy Week those at Trinity celebrate Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy Thursday) that commemorates the Last Supper, where Christ lays out the model for the Eucharist or Holy Communion. Pastor Dan and Chris Faulk lead those who attend through the stages of the symbolic seder meal, and the meaning of each item that goes on the plate. It is a wonderful time for fellowship, to learn, to sing, and to just be together.
Palm Sunday 2024
As we come into Holy Week, at Trinity we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem by holding our own palm parade around the sanctuary. Pastor Dan leads us all in a Taizé as we walk around the sanctuary waving our palms. Some shout hallelujahs while others sing along to the Taizé. Overall, this is a symbolic gesture that is beloved by all, and an event that is looked forward to each and every year.
Trinity Youth Christmas Program 2023
Every year, those of us at Trinity are blessed to have our youth perform a unique Christmas Program for the congregation. It is always such a delight for all to see. This year, the program included a play, instrumental solos, singing, and the Celebration Singers. Such a gift, especially for the holiday season.
Trunk or Treat 2023
Once again, Trinity was able to put on our annual Trunk or Treat. The weather was a beautiful, and kids and adults alike enjoyed every minute of the fun. Many children and their families came from far and wide to join us, and those of us at Trinity loved seeing all the kids and their costumes. Not only did we have fun, decorated trunks, but a ton of candy, games, and even a place to take pictures. Fun was had by all, and we look forward to this event in 2024.
Annual Church Picnic 2023
On August 27, Trinity congregation and friends gathered for our annual church picnic. It had been five years since the last one, and everyone was thrilled to share in fellowship outside while eating a yummy assortment of picnic foods. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, and we all enjoyed being out in God’s wonderful creation. Since the restarting our tradition has been such a success, we will be having another picnic next years and we hope that you will join us.
Hunger Task Force 2023
The Mission committee along with Trinity friends and family, packed 520 stock boxes that will be distributed to seniors citizens in need.
Outdoor Worship Part II - Sept 13
Outdoor Worship Part II - Sept 13
On Sunday. Sept.13, 37 -40 members and friends gathered in the parking lot to receive communion together. This was our first large gathering since March 15. It was great to see many people whom we haven’t seen for many months. Cooper and Colton were dressed in honor of the Packers.
Good Friday Cantata
April 19, 2019
This year for Good Friday, the Celebration Singers sang the It Is Finished A Tenebrae Service cantata by Mary McDonald headed up by Trinity’s music director, Mike Hetzel. The Celebration Singers were joined by two guests, Mikey Hetzel on drums, and Lou Frank who did the speaking parts inbetween songs. It was a beautiful and memorable service.
Trinity’s Celebration Singers from left to right:
Back Row: Mikey, Lou, Lisa, Naomi, Lori, Jan, and Mindy
Middle Row: Mike, Chris, Jim, Don, and Judy
Front Row: Emily, Kathryn, and Michaela
Maundy Thursday - Symbolic Seder Meal 2019
April 18, 2019
Every year, Trinity UCC partakes in the Symbolic Seder Meal on the Thursday of Holy Week. This year, Pastor Susan led us in worship and prayer as those gathered shared the symbolic meal, drink, and fellowship. It is always a nice time for fellowship, and spending time in thoughtfulness and prayer.
Palm Sunday 2019
April 14. 2019
We started Holy Week by standing in the Gathering Space holding our palms as we got ready to enter the sanctuary. There was excitement among us as we continued this annual tradition. We then processed into the sanctuary to the anthem Great Our Joy played by Mike Hetzel, waving our palms in celebration of Jesus’ triumph entrance into Jerusalem.
2018-2019 Dartball League Champions
The Trinity UCC Dartball team claimed victory in the league for the 2018-2019 season!
Below is the 2018-2019 Dartball league champions!
Left to right:
Back Row: Captain: Bob Rohrig, Eric Dahm, Mark Burbey, Dave Mielke, Jim Singleton
Front Row: Ralph Zahn, Kathy Immekus, Dan Dierbeck, Kathryn Dierbeck, Kathleen Leslie and Meredith Lang. Not pictured: Pete Grob.
Eric Dahm also took the trophy for Highest Avg. Dave Mielke took the Most Improved and Most Runs Batted In.
Are you interested in learning more? Or maybe even wanting to play, we are always looking for more players. Just talk with any of the players above if you have any questions.
Trinity’s Dartball Team from left to right:
Back Row: Bob, Eric, Mark, Dave, and Jim
Front Row (Seated): Ralph, Kathy, Dan, Kathryn, Kathy, and Meredith
Jazz Worship & Mardi Gras Luncheon 2019
March 3, 2019
On March 3, 2019, Trinity UCC celebrated its annual Jazz Worship and Mardi Gras Style Luncheon. The worship service was filled with jazz inspired worship music, musicians, smiles, and just great fun. Everyone came dressed in Mardi Gras colors, beads, and Jazz wear - including Pastor Susan. During time with our youngest worshipers, the children learned how many parts make a whole. Following worship, the Mission Committee sponsored a Mardi Gras inspired luncheon. We had about 80 people in attendance, and all proceeds went to Backbay Mission, in Biloxi, Mississippi. This is an event that everyone at Trinity looks forward too each year and every year it just keeps getting better and better.
Scout Sunday 2019
February 10, 2019
We love our scouts! So, every year we honor the scouts with a special Scout Sunday worship service. We honor the boy and girl scouts that belong to Trinity - young and old - as well as those who belong to Troop 21. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any pictures, but we were able to get one where Pastor Susan invited all the scouts to join her for worship with our youngest worshipers. This year, we celebrated the scouts on February 10, 2019.
Annual Meeting for 2018
January 27, 2019
Every year, Trinity UCC members come together and hold an Annual Corporate Meeting to discuss the good of our church (even the children are included in this meeting). We first share worship and then a meal and then get right down to business with the meeting. We discuss everything from committee reports, to nominations for the council, to the finances and budget. It is a time for prayer, reflection, and open conversation. This year, our annual meeting was held on January 27, 2019.
Children's Christmas Program 2018
On December 16, 2018 the children of Trinity put on their annual Christmas pageant. This is an event that all of Trinity looks forward to every year. The kids love performing, and have formed quite a little acting troupe. This year the children did the birth story of Jesus, a favorite of so many. They all did a wonderful job, and we look forward to seeing what the children do for 2019.
Rally Day 2018
Trinity UCC brought in a new church year with our pulpit supply pastor, Pastor Howie (who is always a joy to have at Trinity). There was singing and joy and many many blessings as many came back to gather after vacations and taking off for the summer. We also brought in a new Sunday School year, and we were very blessed to have so many children return to us. Rally Day is always a fun, but special time in the life of a church, and Trinity is no exception to this.
Trinity Church Picnic 2018
Trinity UCC's annual church picnic is our way to celebrate the end of the church year. We experienced brilliant blue skies, the music was great, the message was moving, and the food and fellowship was top notch. We saw a lot of old faces and new faces, and we always love having guests. Fun was had by young and old and we can't wait to celebrate the upcoming church year.