Cup of Life is a woman’s group here at Trinity that meets usually on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00AM in our Dining Hall (unless changed on church calendar, Thursday Announcements and monthly “Bells”). We pray, have an inspirational story presented and then work on various projects. Some are for our Church members, such as Mother’s Day Coffee Hour, Annual Pie Sunday Coffee Hour or Christmas Tea/Coffee Hour. We make cards for various nursing homes and/or memory care facilities in the area. We host an annual Blood Drive in the Spring for the community surrounding us. There is a one-day retreat planned by Cup of Life for all women of Trinity. We are not just a group that works. We do fun things such as a day trip to a Christmas Village, Faith Based College, or Cedar Valley Community tour and lunch in West Bend. We try to go to at least one play per year at The Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove with dinner following at a nearby restaurant. There is usually one or two brunches again at area breakfast/lunch places. There is an annual Cup of Life picnic at Fairview Park down from the church in July and we are always open to new adventures or ideas. You might get the impression that there is a bit of eating and hosting involved, and both are true but with our 14 members, there are many hands and many voices ready to help where needed and offer some sunshine to our members at Trinity. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, come to a meeting or contact Terri Allen or Lynne Mielke.