2018-2019 Dartball League Champions
The Trinity UCC Dartball team claimed victory in the league for the 2018-2019 season!
Below is the 2018-2019 Dartball league champions!
Left to right:
Back Row: Captain: Bob Rohrig, Eric Dahm, Mark Burbey, Dave Mielke, Jim Singleton
Front Row: Ralph Zahn, Kathy Immekus, Dan Dierbeck, Kathryn Dierbeck, Kathleen Leslie and Meredith Lang. Not pictured: Pete Grob.
Eric Dahm also took the trophy for Highest Avg. Dave Mielke took the Most Improved and Most Runs Batted In.
Are you interested in learning more? Or maybe even wanting to play, we are always looking for more players. Just talk with any of the players above if you have any questions.
Trinity’s Dartball Team from left to right:
Back Row: Bob, Eric, Mark, Dave, and Jim
Front Row (Seated): Ralph, Kathy, Dan, Kathryn, Kathy, and Meredith