Trinity’s Mission & Social Concerns Ministry
Mission is a very important aspect of any church, and Trinity UCC is no exception to this. We are very proud of our mission work. This is the page where you will find all updates on our mission projects. So please, stay tuned as we continue to update our website with all that Trinity UCC has to offer.
Trinity’s Disbursement of Mission Funds in March
The Mission Committee has sent out $500 to the
Southeast Conference for the following
three of the 5 for 5 mission programs.
Our Church's Wider Mission
Our Church's Wider Mission is the name we use to describe the work we do as the
United Church of Christ beyond the local church–through our conferences,
national ministries, and UCC-related institutions.
Our Church's Wider Mission is also the name we give to the financial support
given by UCC members and congregations that makes this broader mission possible.
One Great Hour Of Sharing
Channels resources for international programs in health, education and
agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries, and both international
and domestic disaster response, administered by
Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources.
Strengthen the Church
Re-imagines and builds the future of the UCC.
Shared at the conference and national levels, Strengthen the Church
largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for
new churches in parts of the country where the United Church of Christ
does not have a strong presence. It also provides support for existing church’s new initiatives.
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez
The good times kept rolling after the Jazz Worship Service on February 11th The Mission Committee’s New Orleans Lunch was attended by 63 Cajuns at heart. Ticket sales generated $1,370.00. All proceeds will be sent to Back Bay Mission in Back Bay, Mississippi.
To find out what the Back Bay Mission
is all about click on the link below.
Undy 500 Collection
Thanks to all who participated in Guest House’s annual Undy 500 event this year. 75 pairs of underwear and $60.00 were donated. At the June 9 Mission meeting it was decided to also send $240.00 in Mission funds to the Guest House. The underwear was dropped off at the Guest House on June 6 and was very much appreciated by the staff.
School Supply Drive - 2024
A carload of donated school supply items has been delivered to The Women’s Center in Waukesha. The Mission Committee used $450.00 to purchase additional items.
A big thank you to all who participated.
Clothing Drive Success - 2023
Again this fall the clothing drive received many items. Three carloads of clothing were delivered to Saint Vincent de Paul. Your donations are very much appreciated.
School Supplies for the Women’s Center - 2023
Earlier this year The Milwaukee Journal published an article detailing the cost of the school supplies requested by three area schools. At two of the schools the cost exceeded $200. Yikes!
Through generous donations by the Trinity congregation, children at The Women’s Center will have the supplies they need.
The staff at the Women’s Center in Waukesha is very thankful for all the school supplies that Trinity has provided to their families in need.
Toilet Paper Collection - 2023
The mission project for June was collecting
toilet paper for the Waukesha Food Pantry.
All 396 rolls collected have been delivered.
Everyone’s participation is greatly appreciated.
Stock Box - 2023
On August 9th 16 volunteers from Trinity went to Hunger Task Force to assemble stock boxes for distribution to seniors in southeastern Wisconsin. Each box contained cereal, rice, fruit, vegetables, chicken, beef, peanut butter, milk, juice and more.
In total 520 stock boxes were filled.
Thanks to all who participated in this mission event.