Ash Wednesday
Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Service.
All Are Welcome.
“From the dust we were made and to the dust we shall return” (Genesis 3:19)
Annual Blood Drive
Cup of Life will once again host an annual Blood Drive at Trinity on Saturday, April 26 in the morning to early afternoon. More info and guidance for signing up for specific time blocks to participate in giving blood will follow in the coming weeks. The Blood collected will benefit hospitals in the Southeast area of Wisconsin.
Annual Jazz Worship
Annual Jazz Worship Service
All are welcome to join in the Jazz Worship Service on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at 10:00 AM. This service will raise your spirits and get your toes a-tapping. You are invited to wear your mardi gras apparel and get in the spirit.
The musicians who will be bringing this great music to us are: Jay Allis, Curt Hanrahan, Mike Hetzel, Craig Omick, Larry Tresp and Brett Westphal,
A free will offering will be collected to support the work of the UCC Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi.
There will be a coffee hour after the service, so plan on staying.
Make your plans now to join us on February 23.
Cup of Life - Decorating Valentine Cookies
Cup of Life will be decorating Valentine's cookies for local police and fire departments. All cookies and items needed for decorating will be provided by those who volunteered at our January meeting. Come, enjoy the activity and we will also firm up some dates for various outings and activities for 2025. All women are welcome.
"Everyone's Book Club"
Everyone is invited to join us at Trinity's book club.
The current book we are reading is "The Great Alone" written by Kristin Hannah.
The date for our discussion is January 8, 2025 at 10:00 AM in the church dining hall. We have some very good talks regarding the books we have read so please join the group.
Please call the church office at 262-781-9378 to get your copy of the book."
Casual/Hymn Sing Sunday
Sunday, December 29, will be a comfy and casual Sunday service and it will be our Christmas hymn sing.
Join us in worship at 10:00 AM in your casuals (Packer game is at noon that day, Packer apparel is a great comfy) or anything that is warm and comfortable.
Coffee and tasty treats will be served in The Gathering Place before and during worship.
All are invited to come and sing out the year 2024.. It is a fun time loved by all.
All are Welcome!
Christmas Day Worship (Online Only)
We will be doing a Christmas Day service that will go live at 10 AM on Christmas morning. This is an online service only, so please enjoy from the comfort of your own homes.
Trinity UCC wishes to you and yours a blessed, and safe Christmas.
Traditional Candlelight Christmas Worship
We close out our Advent season with our Traditional Candlelight Christmas Service. We will finish decorating our Christmas Tree as well as light our Christ Candle. As we begin to welcome the Christ child, we celebrate with Word and song. At the end, the congregation will be lighting their candles as we all sing Stille Nacht/Silent night in the glowing light of the lit candles.
It is a beautiful and meaningful service, where all are welcome to join us.
Children's Christmas Program
During our fourth Sunday in Advent, the children of Trinity will be performing their annual Christmas program. This year, it is all about the music of the season and will include songs and some of the children playing instruments. As always, we love seeing the children perform each year, it is such a wonderful treat.
All are Welcome!
Fourth Sunday in Advent - Love
Please join us as we Celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent by lighting the candle of Love.
For this third Sunday of Advent, our Christmas Tree is almost finished.
Please join us!
All are Welcome!
Roland Perschon Memorial Christmas Tea
After worship, please join us for a traditional German Christmas tea in memory of our good friend Roland Perschon. Roland had introduced Trinity to this tradition, and after his passing, our Cup of Life ladies decided to continue the tradition in memory of our dear Roland by transforming the dining hall into a cozy Christmas tea room.
Please join us for tea, stollen, and other goodies as we continue to celebrate Roland, with friendship and fellowship.
All are Welcome.
Celebration Singers Christmas Concert
During our Third Sunday in Advent, Trinity’s Celebration Singers will be having their annual Christmas choir concert. Please join us as Mike Hetzel leads the Celebration Singers in seasonal songs.
All are Welcome!
Third Sunday in Advent - Joy
Please join us as we Celebrate the Third Sunday in Advent by lighting the candle of Joy.
For this third Sunday of Advent, we see what is next for our Christmas Tree.
Please join us!
All are Welcome!
Second Sunday in Advent - Peace
Please join us as we Celebrate the Second Sunday in Advent by lighting the candle of Peace.
For this Second Sunday of Advent, our Christmas tree is up and ready to go.
Please join us!
All are Welcome!
First Sunday in Advent - Hope
Please join us as we begin the Advent season by lighting the candle of Hope.
For this Advent season, we will be celebrating the Christmas Tree.
For this first Sunday of Advent, our tree stand will be placed.
We will also be celebrating Communion - ALL are welcome at Christ’s table.
Please join us!
All are Welcome!
Thanksgiving Eve Worship
We are so grateful for all of you!
Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving Eve service that is filled with liturgy, blessings, and songs.
Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!
Pie Sunday
After worship, please join us for a slice of pie!
Cup of Life will be hosting coffee hour on November 24 with pies. Please bring a pie of your choice to share. If there are any pies left over, Cup of Life will be selling the pies for $5.00 each. The money collected will go to the Pastor’s Samaritan Fund..
Sign up sheets will be posted in the Gathering Space.
All are Welcome!
Veterans Day Worship
Trinity is honoring those members from our congregation who have served or are serving in our nation's Armed Forces.
If there is someone you wish to have honored in this service, and not previously known to the church, please contact Marlene Helinski or Dawn Faulk.
All are Welcome!
Packer Tailgate Party
After worship, please join us for a Packer tailgate party.
Come join the pre-game festivities, don’t worry you will have plenty of time to tailgate, gametime is 3:25p.
Chili will be provided.
We will need some chili fixin’s and sides. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board pedestal in the gathering area. If you would like to sign up to bring an item we would appreciate it.
All are welcome to dress in your favorite team’s attire and be a part of this fellowship.
All Saints Day Remembrance Service
Every year, Trinity remembers those we have lost this past year. Please join us for this special remembrance.
If there is a loved one you would like to include, please contact Trinity’s office.
All are Welcome!
Annual Trunk or Treat
Christian Nurture & Fellowship Committee is hosting our annual Trunk or Treat Event, and you are invited to participate. Spread the word to your family and to your neighbors, all are welcome. We will be located in the south parking lot. There will be Trunks filled with treats for our costumed guests.
Come and join the fun!
Harvest Gathering
Beginning on October 20, Trinity’s Mission Committee will be collecting Thanksgiving food items for the Waukesha Food Pantry. The last day for collection is on November 17.
Starting October 20 thru November 10, members of the Mission Committee will be in the Gathering Space after the service handing out slips of paper for needed items to anyone wishing to donate.
Place your donated items in front of the altar before the service. The bins at the church entrances are taking some much-needed time off.
These food items will be used to help fill the Food Pantry Thanksgiving Baskets that will be distributed.
"Everyone's Book Club"
"Everyone is invited to join us at Trinity's book club.
The current book we are reading is "My Name is Lucy Barton" written by Elizabeth Strout.
The date for our discussion is October 16 at 10:00 AM in the church dining hall. We have some very good talks regarding the books we have read so please join the group.
Please call the church office at 262-781-9378 to get your copy of the book."
Troop 21 Wreath Sale
Troop 21 will be having their annual wreath sale; they will only be at Trinity on Sunday October 13 for the sale. The delivery of wreaths will be before Thanksgiving.
Annual Blessing of the Pets
Please join us for our Annual Blessing of the Pets here at Trinity. It will begin at 5:30 PM out on the south church lawn. Bring your pet (or stuffy pet) to be blessed by Pastor Dan. You do not need to have a pet to attend this laid-back service. Midweek is the perfect time to come together with your friends from Trinity to enjoy and give thanks to God for his wonderful creatures and creation.
Rally Day and Brat Roast
After the Rally Day worship service, stay and enjoy a delicious bratwurst or hot dog, along with some delicious side dishes. Please bring a dish or dessert to share with everyone. This event will take place in the dining hall.
Sunday School is Starting
September 15, 2024 will be the start of our Sunday School classes and they will meet every other Sunday through May, 2025. Children will attend the beginning portion of the worship service, after Children’s Time they will then go to their classes. The younger children will be using the Bible Story Basics curriculum, and the older children will be studying from the Gospel Light curriculum. If you are interested in enrolling your child in Trinity’s Sunday School, contact the church office.
Patriotic Worship Service
Please join us as we celebrate our annual Independence Day worship service, with patriotic music. Feel free to wear your red, white, and blue.
Outdoor Worship & Annual Picnic
Outdoor Worship and Annual Church Picnic
Join us on June 23, for outdoor worship, followed by our annual church picnic. There will be cold cuts, cheese, rolls, fixings, and condiments to make your own sandwich. But we need your help with the rest of the food. There are signup sheets in the Gathering Space where you can sign up to bring salads, chips, dips, veggies, fruit, and of course desserts. Lemonade and water will be provided as well. Just like the previous year, this is a simple event that can be easily moved indoors for inclement weather. We do have one small request: please bring your own chairs for worship and the picnic, this way all our church family can enjoy the picnic.
We hope you can attend, and as always, All are Welcome.